Our Strengths

Acquiring IP rights with focus on utilization

We aim to obtain effective rights with future utilization in mind through a combination of our long-standing expertise in acquiring domestic and foreign rights with our knowledge of licensing operations in corporate intellectual property.

Extensive experience in corporate IP

We can provide assistance for your corporate IP activities with our extensive experience in the IP departments of major companies (including IP strategy formulation, acquiring rights, conducting searches, negotiating licenses, responding to notices and lawsuits, handling IP contracts, etc.).

Overseas Network

With our established network of connections with offices in major countries (US, EU, CH) as well as in India, Southeast Asia, Central and South America, etc., we are proud to aid the acquisition of rights all over the world.

Main Services

Patent Application

We strive to obtain effective rights capable of supporting your business by gaining an accurate understanding of your inventions through interviews, as well as by defining a scope of rights that is closely aligned with your business goals.

IP operations assistance

We can provide representation and assistance for your IP department operations, including IP strategy planning, invention discovery, IP portfolio evaluation and inventory, and evaluation of IP utilization.

Advice and Consultation

We accept consultations regarding any IP-related issues you may have.